Dear Bronx Science Families,
We hope this finds everyone in our Bronx Science community safe and well. Middle of May means AP exams for many of our students. Good luck to all!
May 26th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm – Virtual College NightDetails are repeated below that junior families should have received from the school. Junior parents, please note the deadline for your child to register for this event is this Monday, May 18th at noon.
June 15th, 7:00 pm – Final PA Meeting of 2019-2020 School YearMark your calendars now – Monday June 15th, 7:00 pm- we will welcome Dr. Donahue and Mr. Nasser to speak to parents. You will also get to meet the PA co-presidents for 2020-2021, Cliff Stanton and Jerome Kramer. We’ll hold this meeting virtually – watch for details in upcoming eblasts.
Read on for more virtual resources that are available for you, and your student.
Stay safe everyone!
Rebecca Barreras and Lisa Brody
PA Co-Presidents,