To help you plan ahead, here are some dates to keep in mind. (Note that we list only the dates that are relevant to BxSci parents. For the official school calendar, which includes dates for student activities and midyear exams, visit
December 19, Tues Breakfast with the Principal, 8:30-9:30am
December 20, Wed Last day of S.O. Can & Food Drive
December 25 to January 1 Winter Recess (no school)
January 4, Thurs Senior Research Dinner (parent volunteers needed, sign up here)
January 6, Sat Queens session for Chinese-speaking parents, 10:30am-12:30pm
January 15, Mon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)
January 17, Wed Breakfast with the Principal, 8:30-9:30am
January 18, Thurs SLT Meeting, 3:45-6pm (parents welcome as observers)
January 18, Thurs PA Meeting, 7-9pm (free bus service available from Manhattan and Queens)
January 27, Sat Queens session for Chinese-speaking parents, 10:30am-12:30pm