November 16th, 2014 Dear Bronx Science Families, On Wednesday and Thursday, November 19th and 20th, we will be holding our Annual Phonathon, one of our major fund-raising efforts. We still…
Plan now to come to school in the New Year! Click here for this school year’s morning Coffee with the Principal dates, and click here for all the evening PA meeting dates.
Thank you to those who made donations/pledges during our Phone-a-thon! Those of you who have not had time, here’s a little sweetener that our Phone-a-thon donors also received. If you…
Nominations for open PA and SLT positions are now closed. Each nominee will have an opportunity to make a brief (1-2 minute) statement before voting takes place at our October…
Thank You to the 2015 Auction Committee Auction Chair: Liz Bruder-Frydman PA Co-Presidents: Shanti Knock & Patrick Gibbons Auctioneer: Lonnie Quinn Silent & Online Auction Coordination: Besty Newberry, Joanne Tuckman,…
Back-to-School breakfast for teachers, admin and staff! The PA would like to extend our appreciation to Hospitality Co-Chairs Anne Tien and Fotini Marcopulos as well as to Hospitality volunteers Fan…