Dear Fellow Parents & Guardians,
Congratulations to our newly elected freshman parents! Yuanyuan Ma, Novelle Maxwell-Sinclair and Yan Yu are our new Executive Board Members-at-Large. Deborah Alexander is our new representative to the School Leadership Team. We look forward to serving alongside you. We also want to extend a special thank you to our nominating committee and the other parents (see below) who put themselves out there in last week’s elections, as well as to our inimitable Parent Coordinator, Cindy Golan, whose assistance is crucial to our virtual elections. We hope to work with all of you for the betterment of Bronx Science.
Last week’s meeting also featured another of Asst. Principal Andrew Nasser’s stellar panels comprised of six students who spoke to us about Making the Most of Bronx Science. Their honesty, maturity and wisdom underscored why the PA must continue to help facilitate opportunities at Bronx Science. Thank you to all parents who have already contributed to the PA. See the latest segment of Your Donations at Work below for yet another inspiring reason to donate now.
Mark your calendars for the next PA meeting. On Wednesday, November 16th Mr. Nasser will be back with a panel of experts in their field on negotiating the challenges of being a teenager in uncertain times. The theme, though lightheartedly dubbed Teenage Angstland, will be an important look at how we as parents can support our kids as they re-engage in-person with the world. The evening will also feature a presentation from parent volunteer Alison Gardy, the PA’s inaugural Family Healing Ambassador. This position was created under a new DOE initiative to make schools centers of community self-care and healing. In advance of this session, please take a moment to fill out this brief Self-Care Survey, if you haven’t done so already.
We also know that many of you have questions relating to safety. Please join us as the school hosts a Safety Virtual Town Hall at 8:51am on Wednesday, November 17th. Details from Parent Coordinator Cindy Golan to follow.
Looking forward,
Jerome Kramer and Cliff Stanton
PA Co-Presidents

10th graders congregating for last week’s Sophomore Social.

Paul Avenue Safety Corridor.