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We are seeking nominations for the PA Executive Board and School Leadership Team (SLT). At our October 19th meeting there will be an election for the following positions: 3 (three) Member-at-Large positions…

Bronx Science Swag – Desperately Seeking Salespeople!
We know you all love buying Bronx Science swag, and we want to sell it to you when you’re in school for Parent-Teacher Conferences! But currently we don’t have enough…

Join us in June!
There’s a lot happening at school in early June, and we need many parents to help out. Please consider signing up as a volunteer for one or more of the…

PA Meetings
Remember early March? We had a PA meeting on March 5th, and you can check out the minutes here. Our next meeting is scheduled for April 23rd. We’d love to hear from you re:…

Bronx Science Photos Needed!
The PA is attempting to expand our archive of school/after-school photos. Please send anything you would feel comfortable sharing in a future e-newsletter, with a brief caption describing it to We…

Meet Our Freshman Welcome Committee Parent Volunteers
Last week, the PA sent a questionnaire to all freshman parents to fill out with their kids. The goal is to facilitate the social connections that freshman parents and kids are…