Dear Fellow Parents & Guardians:

Thank you to all who attended last Thursday’s PA meeting. If you missed it, Eleanor Coufos, VP of the Bronx Science Alumni Foundation, brought great energy and hopefulness to her discussion about summer opportunities and the options that we hope will be available to our students. She also offered her assistance in exploring transportation alternatives for the parent community in the wake of the Vallo closure announcement. Her talk can be viewed here. The full meeting can be viewed here.
Next up …
Our first PA Book Club discussion (see Zoom login info below) will take place this Thursday, January 21st from 7-8:30 pm. It will be moderated by PA Educational Enrichment Committee member Lora LaVon. We look forward to being joined later in the session by this month’s selection’s author, Bronx Science parent Adam Langer, for a Q&A. Any questions or concerns, contact
And, we’re already looking forward to next month’s PA meeting on Wednesday, February 10th at 7:00pm. The topic, course selection (presented by Assistant Principals Allison Davis and Andrew Nasser), is always of keen interest to our parent community.

Finally, the combination of anxiety-inducing national events, the persistence and surge of the pandemic, and the normal travails of a northeastern winter are undoubtedly taking a toll on all of us. We encourage you to seek help if you need it and to keep an extra sharp eye on our children. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your student’s guidance counselor. Or you can contact Assistant Principal Andrew Nasser at, or our school social worker Danielle Heckman at, both of whom shared their insights and advice at last week’s Coffee with the Principal.
Tomorrow, let’s pause to remember the life and legacy of Dr. King …
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. –MLK
Stay safe Bronx Science.
Jerome Kramer & Cliff Stanton