Important Information
- Below are the private bus companies currently serving Bronx Science who have indicated they will be serving our school in the 2024-25 academic year. Those interested in contracting service for the 2024-2025 academic year should contact companies directly. All contractual relationships will be between companies and families.
- It is critically important that students and families understand that the Parents’ Association and the school are prohibited from endorsing or recommending any transportation companies or services.
- Families should use all available information and data to determine the best, most-preferred choice of transportation vendor for their student(s). Families signing a contract must be sure they understand its details. Contact vendors directly with questions and concerns.
- For accepted students, join the Bronx Science/HSAS Transportation Discussion Group on Facebook for updates and information. In order to gain access to the group, you must answer the screening questions.
Current Transportation Vendors
The following transportation suppliers provided private bus service to Bronx Science during the current academic year and have indicated they will continue for the 2024-25 academic year. They offer a range of prices, policies, services, and vehicles. Yellow school buses operate under different guidelines than coach buses. Students and families are strongly advised to consider all these factors.
Note: List is alphabetical.
- S&J TOUR & BUS Inc. (parent company) offers coach and yellow school bus service:
- For yellow bus service: In State – Citibus NYC (operated by S&J with Citibus team)
- email or call Ralph or Marie at 718-767-0353
- For coach bus service: S&J Tour & Bus Inc.
- email or contact Mona at 718-921-4246.
- For yellow bus service: In State – Citibus NYC (operated by S&J with Citibus team)
- TAMICE BUS offers yellow school bus service.
- More information is available at Tamice Bus.
- Contact Henry at or call 212-764-7089 with any questions.
- More information is available at Tamice Bus.