The School Leadership Team (“SLT”) is a committee consisting of administrators, teachers, para-professionals, students and parents. The primary mission of the SLT is to develop the Comprehensive Education Plan for The Bronx HS of Science.
SLT Members
SLT School Members
Rachel Hoyle. Principal
Daniel McNickle, UFT Chapter Leader
Willie Lugo, DC 37 Representative
Tracy LaGrassa Elected, UFT
Monique Maylor, UFT
Colin Morrell, CSA Representative
SLT Parent Members
Xia Li, PA Co-President
Josh Cahan (2023-25)
MJ Islas (2023-2025)
Christine Nuzum (2023-2025)
Deborah Alexander (2024-2026)
Stacey Berg Keller
Student Members
Abhinav Akella
Julia Shellira
Monthly School Leadership Team meeting
SLT Meeting dates are posted on the Bronx Science school calendar and on the PA website here. School Leadership Team meets monthly from 3:45 to 6:00 PM, in person, in the principal’s conference room. There is no remote option. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend. Please note that SLT bylaws limit visitors to an observer status.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the SLT, please email your parent SLT representatives at