Bronx High School of Science Parents' Assocation

News from Our Co-Presidents June 16, 2024



Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents and Guardians,

We were delighted to meet in person last week for our final PA meeting of the school year. During the meeting, we passed our 2024-25 budget and reported on a number of highlights and updates, including our audit results which showed the PA is in sound financial standing. The PA thanks Audit Committee Chair, Paul Goldfarb, and the entire Audit Committee, for their diligence and professionalism during this process. We also elected incoming PA Co-Vice President and current Member-At-Large Helen Goldman to be our designated representative on the Bronx High School Federation Presidents’ Council.

We also acknowledge our outgoing PA leaders who have contributed their talent, skills, and time over the past several years. Please see the In the Spotlight post for recognition of these committee members and leaders.

The true stars of the evening were the panel of recent BxSci graduates, who delighted our crowd with their straightforward and sincere discussion of life after high school and how Bronx Science helped them prepare for it. Pro Tips of the night: Don’t get an RV to camp near your kid’s school, and they will miss you even if they are only 15 blocks away. Also, chargers are essential equipment! It was yet another example of how good it feels to share these authentic experiences with one another. The PA extends our deepest gratitude to AP Andrew Nasser for moderating the evening, and for supporting our special presentations throughout the year. We also extend our gratitude to panelists Derek Ho, Helen Stone, Paul Petrovici and Stefan Inderbitzin for graciously giving their time and sharing their personal anecdotes and wisdom with us.

After an intense start to the month, the PA is finally starting to wind down operations for the school year. This week, the PA completed a hospitality marathon by hosting a dinner following the Senior Awards Ceremony. Thanks again to rock star Lilach Bar and the Hospitality Team for finishing out the year on a high note. We are actively recruiting new members and chairs for the Hospitality Team NOW. If throwing a party is your jam, or if you know someone who loves to host, please reach out to We have other roles we are recruiting for as well. Please see the Recruitment post below.

The PA may be slowing down, but for many families, the celebrations are ramping up. Please send us photos of your year-end celebrations to be included in the last PA newsletter next week! Photos should be sent to by Friday, June 21, to be considered.


Another reminder that the final PA social is this Saturday, June 22, from 4:30-6:30 PM at the newly “instagrammable” Ellington in the Park. Let’s gather one more time, celebrate our community, and send our well-wishes to our senior families. See below for details.

The PA wishes a Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers in our community. We celebrate you today!

We also wish a glorious Eid Mubarak to those who are celebrating on Monday.

Enjoy the long weekend, and we hope to see your smiling faces on Saturday.



Jennifer Allen-Cheng, Christine Kattan, and Elizabeth Polkovitz
PA Presidents