Bronx High School of Science Parents' Assocation


Please see below for an important message from the DOE regarding a community engagement session around a state law to cap class sizes in NYC public K-12 schools. Tomorrow (Monday, Oct 2) is the 3rd and last of these engagement sessions, a chance for the public to hear proposals set forth by the Class Size Work Group, and an opportunity for the public to provide feedback on how these proposals may affect schools and communities, both positively and negatively. The PA has been monitoring this situation and working with different groups to understand the impacts on Bronx Science and steps we can take. Please stay tuned for more information from us.


Participate in Community Engagement Sessions with the Class Size Working Group

As previously shared in September 2022, Governor Hochul enacted Chapter 556 of the Laws of 2022, which prescribes new class size caps for K–12 schools within NYCPS. As an update, in April 2023, the Class Size Working Group—composed of advocates, parents, principals, teachers, and union and elected official representatives from across New York City—began meeting to gather input related to implementing the law. They have since developed a preliminary list of proposed recommendations and are seeking public feedback from all interested parties, via community engagement sessions, prior to the recommendations being finalized. The Class Size Working Group community engagement sessions will be held on the following dates and times; register for a session via LearnDOE.

●    All Boroughs: In-person from 5:00–7:30 p.m. at the MLK Campus Auditorium (122 Amsterdam Ave. New York, NY) on October 2.

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