Do Bronx Science students experience culture shock when they go to college? Do they tend to find college courses harder or easier than BxSci classes? How often can I expect to hear from my college-age child? Will she get a fake ID, and should I be worried about that? Will he ever change his sheets or do his laundry?
To hear candid answers to these and many other questions, come to our last PA meeting of the year on Wednesday, June 12, at 7pm. A panel of students from BxSci Class of 2018 will speak about their college experiences, share insights and advice, and answer your questions! The following colleges will be represented on the student panel: NYU, USC, and Vanderbilt. The panelists have promised to answer your questions honestly and in great detail, so don’t miss this opportunity! And bring your kids!
Vallo will kindly provide free round-trip bus service from Manhattan and Queens. Call 1-718-961-7600 to reserve your bus seat.