If you’d like to run for a position on the PA board or the School Leadership Team for the 2018-19 school year, please let us know! Email nominations@bxsciencepa.org with your name, the position(s) you’re interested in, and your contact info. Below are brief descriptions of the responsibilities of each position.
President or Co-Presidents (1 or 2 positions): preside at PA board meetings and general membership meetings, serve as ex-officio members of all committees except the Nominating Committee, co-sign all checks, carry out the decisions of the membership, and perform all other duties incident to the office.
First Vice-President (1 position): assists the President or Co-Presidents and assumes their duties in their temporary absence or at their request; oversees the annual appeal.
Second Vice-President (1 position): assists the President or Co-Presidents and the First Vice-President and assumes their duties in their temporary absence or at their request.
Treasurer (1 position): responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the PA, including transfer and deposit of PA monies to PA bank accounts, maintaining an updated record of all income and expenditures, co-signing all checks, providing a financial report at all general membership meetings, ensuring that all tax documentation is completed and submitted on time, and performing all other duties incident to the office.
Assistant Treasurer (1 position): assists the Treasurer in keeping the financial records of the PA and in the Treasurer’s other duties, assumes the Treasurer’s duties in the temporary absence or incapacity of the Treasurer or at the request of the Treasurer, President or one of the Co-Presidents.
Recording Secretary (1 to 3 positions): records the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the board and of the PA, distributes copies of the minutes at the next scheduled meeting for review and approval by the board and the general membership, and performs all other duties incident to the office.
Communication Secretary (1 position): helps prepare notices, agendas, sign-in sheets and materials for distribution at meetings; helps review, maintain, and respond to correspondence and email addressed to the PA; and performs all other duties incidental to the office.
Members-at-Large (5 positions): attend all Executive Board meetings and PA functions, and serve on committees or projects at the request of the President or Co-Presidents.
SLT Parent Member (2 positions): attend monthly SLT meetings, help develop the school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan, and play an advisory role to the principal and to the school administration.
The members of the Nominating Committee are senior parents Amy Davidson, Weimin Huang, Jen Lee (chair), and Betsy Newberry. They are putting together a slate of candidates, which will be presented at the May PA meeting. Elections will take place at the June PA meeting. To nominate yourself or another BxSci parent, or if you have any questions about the open positions, email nominations@bxsciencepa.org.