Bronx High School of Science Parents' Assocation

Messages From Your Outgoing PA Co-Presidents

Christine Kattan and Elizabeth Polkovitz, outgoing PA Co-Presidents

From the summer before we entered Bronx Science, it was clear that not only is the school a special place, but that the Parents Association is a robust, welcoming community. Starting any school fully remote is not easy, but the partnership between the PA and the administration made a difficult situation bearable. After being on two PA boards before Bronx Science, I initially hoped to slide under the radar, but I’m glad my predecessors wouldn’t take “no” for an answer when they asked me to step up with Christine and Jayesh into the role of Co-President.

Special thanks to our administration, faculty, and staff, especially Principal Rachel Hoyle, AP Andrew Nasser, and Parent Coordinator (and former PA president) Rebecca Barreras. All three have been impossibly generous with their time, knowledge, and support from the moment we were welcomed into the Bronx Science community. There are too many others to thank individually here, but deep gratitude also goes out to the Bronx Science Foundation, whose support makes our job easier.

This has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had as a parent leader and as a parent, and it’s difficult to properly express my gratitude to you all. I have rarely encountered a group of people who are so willing to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work of building a community. I will miss you all, but some of you may find it hard to get rid of me! I’m looking at you, Christine and Jen! Best of luck to everyone as you continue your journeys.


As my tenure as Co-President concludes, I write this to all of you with a heavy heart as my time working with this extraordinary school community comes to an end. There are so many people that had a tremendous impact on this amazing experience, and I would like to say a few words about them.

To start, my Co-President Elizabeth Polkovitz. Elizabeth is thoughtful, fair, and has a brilliant command of educational policy, and I am thankful to have shared this intense journey with her. We spent two years navigating new terrain and facing many challenges together. I couldn’t have been matched with a better partner, and I am grateful for that, and for her friendship.

To our continuing Co-President, Jennifer Allen-Cheng. Jennifer brought a wise, calm energy born of decades of educational experience and as a retired principal, and it was wonderful to have her join the Co-President team. Jennifer, Arthur and Lisa will make a terrific executive team, and I am confident they will meet the challenges ahead. I wish them many moments as rich and rewarding as they have been for me.

To all members of our board, committees, and teams. Each of you played a vital role in the success of the PA this year, and it has been a privilege to get to know and work with you. Thank you for your trust and for working so hard to reinstall a fully functioning PA. You proved what even a small group of dedicated individuals can achieve

I would like to thank Eleanor Coufos and the Bronx Science Foundation for the incredible opportunities they provide to all our students. It is outstanding what they have accomplished, and I’ve no doubt such successes will continue.

Thank you to AP Phoebe Cooper for meticulously leading BxSci operations for 33 years. I was able to work with Phoebe on different projects over the past three years, and her involvement with the PA was integral to a smooth-running operation. I wish her much happiness in her well-deserved retirement.

Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank Principal Hoyle, AP Andrew Nasser and Rebecca Barreras for their incredible kindness, encouragement, and their friendship. They elevated what it means to have a true partnership, rooted in trust and collaboration. I learned so much and had so much joy working with all three of them and will cherish the personal bonds we forged in our work together.

For me, moving on from my day-to-day involvement in this community could not be more bittersweet. I am humbled and honored to have been able to work alongside such incredible people. BxSci will have a special place in my heart that I will carry forever.

Best wishes and future success to you a
