Bronx High School of Science Parents' Assocation

Looking Ahead – Save the Date

Save the date for our annual end-of-year outdoor social at Ellington in the Park on Saturday, June 22 from 4:30-6:30 PM. Bring your family and friends, a ball or Frisbee and enjoy the fabulous views of the Hudson and great company!

This will be our last chance to gather before we break for the summer. This is also our chance to thank our community and to wish our senior families all the best.

Please note: This is not an official PA-sponsored event, but food and drinks are available for purchase at the outdoor venue. This event is open to current 9th -12th grade families.

Additional Noteworthy June Dates

June 4 – Staff/Faculty Appreciation Lunch (volunteers needed)
June 5 – Prospective Students Open House (volunteers needed)
June 6 – Incoming Parent Breakfast (volunteers needed)
June 10 – Senior Awards (volunteers needed)
June 12 – PA Meeting