Here are some of the critical school programs and services that your donations to the PA help fund. Thank you to the many families that have already made contributions. It is always the right time to make a real impact on our children’s Bronx Science experience.
Click here to make your monetary donation to the PA today.
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The funding provided by the PA enables Bronx Science staff to take on the advisory roles for over 90 clubs, making their meetings possible.
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PA dollars help support our impressive academic teams.
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PA dollars help keep our teams equipped with up-to-date uniforms and pay for tournament entry fees, sports equipment, and funding for our sports award ceremony.
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Thanks to the PA, our school is able to offer fee waivers to the families of seniors who could not otherwise afford to contribute to graduation.
Funded by PA contributions, Naviance helps the Guidance Department to communicate with families and store important school specific information. Naviance is a web-based research and planning tool that Bronx Science students use to keep track of their standardized test scores and GPA, analyze college statistics, and begin researching colleges, and more!