Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents and Guardians,
We hope that the transition from summer to the first few days of the ’23-’24 school year has been as smooth as possible!
The PA has started the year strong with several events. On Tuesday, we held a back-to-school breakfast for our dedicated teachers and school staff, who would like to share their appreciation and thanks. This is one of the many ways our parent community supports our school! Last night, Bronx Science families convened at Ellington in the Park for our first gathering of the year. It is always wonderful to meet new families and to reconnect with familiar faces! See below for pictures from the breakfast, and look for scenes from our outdoor social in the Sept 17 newsletter.
Upcoming Events and Volunteer Needs
Wednesday, Sept 13: Our immediate focus is the Incoming Parent Orientation reception this week! We look forward to engaging with our 9th and new incoming 10th grade parents and guardians, and this is a chance for the rest of our community to get involved! We are still in need of volunteers, particularly for hospitality. Please sign up and find shift schedules here.
Wednesday, Sept 20, 7 PM: Our first PA meeting will be held in person at Bronx Science. Following introductions and regular business, we will break out into meaningful sessions covering topics of importance by grade. Please find the meeting agenda here, and a remote option will be provided in the Sept 17 e-newsletter. We strongly encourage you to attend in person for this informative meeting! And if you haven’t already done so, please complete this survey, so we can best serve our parent community.
Saturday, Sept 23: The PA is also seeking many volunteers for Project Accepted, one of the most valuable programs offered to our seniors. Sponsored by the Bronx Science Foundation, Project Accepted is a half day event where alumni help our seniors prepare for interviews, provide strategies for applying to college and more! It’s one of many unique opportunities our children have as Bronx Science students, and the PA is grateful for the tremendous support of our alumni. To do our part, we are seeking volunteers to help feed our dedicated alumni interviewers and participating seniors, and to help sell merchandise! For event time and to sign up, click here.
For 9th, 10th, or 11th grade parents and guardians only: if you have expertise in interviewing or admissions and would like to be an interviewer for Project Accepted, please email us at by Friday, Sept 15.
Upcoming Election
The PA will be holding a fall election in October, which is an opportunity for 9th and new incoming 10th grade parents and guardians to run for reserved positions on the PA Executive Board and the School Leadership Team (SLT). Please see the Election post for a message from our Nominating Committee, which includes open positions, nomination deadlines and additional important details.
We are excited about the upcoming school year and look forward to connecting with you in the weeks and months to come. Our PA depends upon the engagement of our families to meet the needs of the Bronx Science community, so please participate as you are able. Reach out with any comments or questions, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
We wish all who celebrate the upcoming holiday a Happy Rosh Hashanah. L’Shanah Tovah!
Jennifer Allen-Cheng, Christine Kattan, and Elizabeth Polkovitz
PA Presidents