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Faster Internet at school? Yes, please!
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Thank You!
Thank you! The PA would once again like to thank The Bronx Science Foundation President, Eleanor Coufos, ’99, and the Foundation, as well as all the alumni who came…
We Want Your BSCI Photos
The PA is attempting to expand our archive of school/after-school photos. Please send anything you would feel comfortable sharing in a future e-newsletter, with a brief caption describing it to…
News from our Co-Presidents: October 11, 2020
Dear Fellow Parents & Guardians, It was another successful week at Bronx Science. We were gratified to learn that our own Rachel Hoyle was appointed as our next Principal by the…

Bronx Science at Yankee Stadium
April 12 th– Do you need to pick up your Yankee Ticket? Were you unable to pick up your Yankee ticket at Parent Teacher conferences? You can meet up with PA…

Welcome Message from our Co-Presidents – May 25th, 2015
May 25, 2015 Dear Bronx Science Families, We hope you all had a relaxing and rewarding holiday weekend. It was very nice of the weather to cooperate for us. Thank…