The PA is actively recruiting for the 2022-23 school year. If you have a background in event planning, or just enjoy hosting a party, we need you! Planning for events…
Our June PA meeting plans to be enlightening and entertaining, and is one for the whole family! After voting to approve next year’s slate of PA and SLT candidates and…
Nearly 900 BxSci parents and guardians are members of the PA Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/ParentsAssociationBronxScience. Please consider joining them to participate in dynamic discussions, learn breaking news when it happens mid-week, and…
The Bronx Science Crafts for Humanity club is collecting left over clothing/fabric to make stuffed animals for children at the POTS homeless shelter. Students can drop off donations in the…
Busy, but want to come to school for meetings? Click here for this school year’s morning Coffee with the Principal dates, and click here for all the evening PA meeting dates.
Enjoy Spring Break! 中文版 April 21, 2024 Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents and Guardians, It was wonderful to see so many of you at Wednesday’s Parents’ Association meeting. We were…