April 16, 2023
Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back! We hope you had a chance to enjoy the Spring Break.
The main highlight this week is the in-person PA meeting this Wednesday, April 19 at 7 PM. The PA welcomes back Adam Ingersoll from Compass Education, who will discuss What You Should Know About College Admissions. Adam has shared his expertise on this topic with Bronx Science for a number of years, and families are encouraged to join this thoughtful conversation on college admission testing in an ever-changing environment. Don’t miss the opportunity to ask your questions! We hope to see many of you in person to help facilitate better dialogue around this important topic. To find out more about this special BxSci event, please click here. For those unable to attend in person, please see below for remote details. This meeting will not be recorded.
During this meeting, we will also be presenting the current slate of PA Executive Board and School Leadership Team (SLT) candidates. Nominations will be taken from the floor during this meeting, and elections will be held on May 17. The Nominating Committee is still actively seeking parents or guardians to fill two (2) critical seats on the SLT. The SLT plays a vital role to help set academic and school climate goals and assist in drafting a Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) and budget to help meet those goals. This is an amazing opportunity for parents and guardians to serve our school alongside Principal Hoyle, as well as teacher, student, and other parent representatives. Please see the Election post below for more information on this position including the time commitment, as well as more information on how to nominate yourself or someone else for all positions. Deadline to submit nominations is April 21, at 11:59 PM.
The Zoom link for the April 19 PA meeting (7 PM) can be found here. Minutes from our March PA meeting will be voted on during this meeting and can be found here.
For those who have not submitted your NYC School Survey, you have until April 20 (only 4 more days) to submit it. Please don’t delay and use this opportunity to provide the feedback our school leadership needs to continually improve the Bronx Science experience. Share your anonymous feedback here.
The DOE, with support from the City Council, has arranged for the Ackerman Institute to provide free Gender 101 workshops for all parents and caregivers. These workshops aim to educate participants on how to support gender-expansive children, gender roles and childhood development, along with providing other important information. These workshops will be offered on April 25 and May 23. Please see the Workshops post below for more information on this amazing opportunity our community has been afforded.
The Spring Gala countdown begins! The online auction begins tomorrow (April 17) and we are less than a month away from the live event on May 11. Let’s get ready to celebrate together while supporting our beloved school! Grab your tickets for this highly anticipated event here before it is completely sold out. Please check out the Spring Gala post below for more information.
To those who celebrate, Eid Mubarak! And to all our families, enjoy the long weekend ahead.
But before then, we will see you on April 19!
Christine Kattan, Jayesh Patel and Elizabeth Polkovitz
PA Presidents