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April PA DRAFT Meeting Minutes
Please click HERE to read the minutes from our April PA meeting. These minutes will be approved at tomorrow night’s monthly PA meeting.

In the Spotlight
We want to sincerely thank our Nominating Committee members for the professionalism, dedication and care they put forth to run free and fair PA and SLT elections. Allison Rogovin (Co-Chair)…

Thank you!
Thank you to the parents who did Bronx Science proud by representing us at the Citywide High School Fair last weekend: Heather Ahram Dan Gould Albert Harrison Kevork Khrimian Susan…

(Very) Common Parenting Mistakes
“The least effective way of influencing a teenager’s behavior is advice, criticism, and comparison.” Think about that for a minute. How many of us are constantly giving our teens advice?…

Parent Leaders for the 2018-19 School Year
Nominations are now closed for next year’s PA Executive Board and the School Leadership Team. We have an uncontested slate, so we will vote for the entire slate at our…

Free Diagnostic ACT Exam
Princeton Review will be providing a free diagnostic ACT exam at Bronx Science on Saturday May 21st at 8:30am. Click HERE for more information, and to register.