It’s time for PA Elections! Take a leadership role in helping our school community be the best it can be by running for a leadership position. All positions on…
We are well into the fall semester, and the next few weeks will be quite busy! Please mark your calendars and plan ahead for these important dates. We’ll be giving…
The PA is also actively recruiting for the 2023-24 school year. This is a great chance to give back to our school, while being a part of this special community!…
We are proud to announce an incredibly talented and diverse 2023-24 Executive Board. Co-President: Jennifer Allen-Cheng Co-President: Christine Kattan Co-President: Elizabeth Polkovitz Co-Vice President: Ernie Sander Co-Vice President: Yan Yu Treasurer: Kai Lu Co-Assistant Treasurer: Ram Halder…
The monthly Breakfast with The Principal will be held on Thursday, November 17th, from 8:30 – 9:30 AM. Join the School Safety Committee for its yearly Town Hall Meeting and…
[two_fifth padding=”0 10px 0 10px”][/two_fifth] [three_fifth_last padding=”0 10px 0 10px”]The PA wishes to thank all those who volunteered at the High School Fair. Elayne Kesselman Townsend Foo Alice Wong Fiona…