Mark your calendars for this year’s final Coffee with the Principal on Tuesday, May 23 from 8:30-9:30 AM, in person, at the school. This is another chance to hear Principal Hoyle’s and AP…
Parent volunteers at last year’s College Fair find time to have a few laughs between scoops. Meeting other parents is one of the greatest benefits to volunteering at Bronx Science.
Do you know what the 2017-18 goals of Bronx Science are, as specified in its Comprehensive Education Plan? Want to know when and where the PA’s annual auction will be…
What fun it was to gather yesterday as a community to celebrate the end of another great school year! Click here for more photos from the Ellington in the Park gathering.
While school will be occurring remotely, our administration, teachers and guidance counselors will be checking their emails regularly. You can find all teachers’ email addresses here. You can find all Guidance Department…
Donations to the PA are tax deductible, and help the school to provide our children with an outstanding education. This week the PA paid for the server upgrade and supplies…