March 5, 2023
Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back! We hope you and your families had a chance to recharge over the midwinter recess.
Thanks to those who were able to attend last week’s Coffee with the Principal. We appreciate APs Andrew Nasser and Dr. Allison Davis for providing us a second opportunity to discuss course selection and the research program. It was a robust turnout and a great chance for members of our community to connect. We also extend an additional thank you to AP David Colchamiro for arranging a tour of Bronx Science’s Holocaust Museum after the presentation. See below for pictures from this event.
Our current focus is the upcoming Accepted Students Open House on Monday, March 20th! This historically has been an energetic and fun evening, which allows our students to proudly showcase what Bronx Science has to offer to newly accepted students.
The PA plays an important role in this event, and we rely heavily on parent and guardian involvement. Please sign up here to help welcome guests and answer prospective parents’ questions, to help sell Bronx Science merchandise, to discuss transportation options or to help feed our student volunteers. No experience is needed, but we do need your participation. This is also a great chance to buy BxSci swag!
We also need broad participation from our community for the NYC School Survey. Your input is used to inform policy decisions, set school goals, and plan programming for BxSci students, teachers, parents, and guardians. Please see the NYC School Survey post below for more information. Don’t forget to submit your response by March 31.
As a reminder, our next PA meeting is on Wednesday, March 15 (remote-only). AP Andrew Nasser and a student panel will be discussing the topic How to Have Difficult Conversations with Teens. We encourage you to submit your questions for our student panel ahead of the meeting here. This meeting will not be recorded.
During this meeting, the Gala Committee will also be holding a Winter Raffle, so don’t miss out on a chance to win a MacBook Pro13” laptop! Tickets are limited and can be bought here.
Finally, please see additional important posts below on how to help our Spring Gala, how to submit nominations for our May election, and details on the final two Wellness Walks of the winter (one is today)!
Christine Kattan, Jayesh Patel and Elizabeth Polkovitz
PA Presidents