January 22, 2023
Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents and Guardians,
Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate it! This is the Year of the Rabbit. The rabbit is a peaceful and patient animal, predisposed to get along with others and swift when necessary. What a great symbol for our community!
This month we resumed our winter Wellness Walks, which is a terrific opportunity to get some fresh air and connect with other Bronx Science families. Fellow parent and BxSci Family Healing Ambassador Alison Gardy kicked off our Upper West Side walks last weekend. Thank you, Alison! Please see the Wellness Walks post for more information on additional walks. If you are interested in starting a walk in your neighborhood, reach out to us.
Mark your calendars now for our next PA Meeting on Wednesday, February 8th at 7:00pm, which will include a course selection presentation for parents of 9th,10th, and 11th graders. Assistant Principals Dr. Allison Davis and Andrew Nasser will break down the course selection process, including timeline and other important considerations. Dr. Davis will also provide an overview of Bronx Science’s reputable research program! This meeting will be hybrid, but 9th-11th grade parents are encouraged to attend in person to foster better dialogue around the course selection process. Twelfth grade parents should attend the first part of our meeting for important PA business, including any Fair Student Funding updates and community action items. Remote meeting details will be provided in the Sunday, Feb 5th PA e-newsletter.
National School Counseling Week starts on February 6th. This is our community’s chance to recognize our school counselors and their support of over 2,900 BxSci students! Students will be sending notes of appreciation to our counselors, and AP of Guidance Andrew Nasser has invited parents and guardians to join them! Please take a moment to fill out this form to express your appreciation for your student’s school counselor. Participants may include their information or remain anonymous. The form closes Monday, Jan 30th, and we would greatly appreciate broad participation from our community.
The PA wishes all our students the best of luck on their midyear exams this week!
Christine Kattan, Jayesh Patel and Elizabeth Polkovitz
PA Presidents