December 18, 2022
Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents and Guardians,
As we approach the holiday break, we wanted to reflect on the first four months of the school year and to thank everyone who has contributed to the community and PA as we returned to more in-person gatherings and events. We are indebted to those who help make these events possible, such as our New Parent Orientation, the Alumni Foundation-sponsored Project Accepted, Fall Open House, Coffees With the Principal and, of course, our recent celebratory December PA meeting. None of these events could happen without the dedicated and energetic support of our community volunteers.
The PA thanks everyone who attended our December PA meeting (and hopefully walked away with some Science swag!). Lilach Bar and Kosaku Shinoda directed our hospitality efforts for the December PA meeting, which created an atmosphere of holiday cheer. We also thank the volunteers who facilitated our hospitality and merchandise offerings (please see our In The Spotlight post below). Of course, the PA expresses our gratitude to Eleanor Coufos, President of the Alumni Foundation, for joining us twice this month to discuss the Alumni Foundation and the opportunities for our students funded by the Foundation. We encourage you to visit their website here to learn more about how it is instrumental to Bronx Science.
Our behind-the-scenes PA team is critical to our successful gatherings, and Rhonda Sidial deserves special recognition for spearheading a project to organize the PA room from top to bottom. She, along with several other dedicated parents, rolled up their sleeves to tackle this mammoth operation. We can’t thank her, and those parents who helped her, enough.
The PA would also acknowledge Bryan Liff and Ernie Sander for helping with our technology needs during our November and December meetings. Their efforts are critical to provide a remote option during our in-person meetings.
There are countless other parents and guardians who have stepped into critical roles, and we will continue to recognize these individuals throughout the school year.
As we look ahead to 2023, we are excited for more in-person gatherings where the PA can use your help. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the PA, and we are always grateful for those willing to share their time, effort, and ideas. We also welcome any donations to the PA Annual Fund in 2022. Your contributions are a vital support to our students’ high school experience. Please visit the PA website here for more information.
Please mark your calendar for our first PA meeting in the new year on January 11, 2023 at 7pm. This remote-only meeting will feature a panel discussion of parents and guardians of recent graduates titled “Things I Wish I Knew Before My Kid Went to College.” This promises to be another engaging conversation, so we hope you will join us. Be on the lookout for meeting details in our next e-newsletter on January 8, 2023.
We hope you have a restful holiday break, Bronx Science. See you in 2023!
Christine Kattan, Jayesh Patel and Elizabeth Polkovitz
PA Presidents