November 13, 2022
Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents and Guardians,
It was a holiday-shortened week at Bronx Science with Election Day on Tuesday and Veterans Day this past Friday. As such, we want to thank all our veterans for your sacrifice and service to our country and thank all those who volunteered their time and energy on Election Day.
To all our parents and guardians, please join us this week on Tuesday, November 15th for our next PA meeting, which will be held in person at Bronx Science at 7:00 PM. Topic: Teens and Mental Health. Come hear a panel of outside professionals, moderated by AP Andrew Nasser, expand upon last month’s discussion of student mental health concerns.
Please note, in accordance with DOE policy, all attendees must be vaccinated (at least one dose) and be prepared to provide proof of vaccination status. Please see “School Visitor Policy” for acceptable proof of vaccination.
Minutes for our October meeting will be voted on during this meeting and can be found here.
For parents and guardians unable to join in person, this is a hybrid meeting (Zoom link here, YouTube live stream here).
We hope your students enjoyed the three-day week and look forward to seeing you at our next PA meeting on Tuesday.
Christine Kattan, Jayesh Patel and Elizabeth Polkovitz
PA Presidents