Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents and Guardians,
The PA was delighted to help support the school’s marquee event. Parent and guardian volunteers were on hand to meet with and answer questions from prospective families about their experience at Bronx Science. We extend our appreciation to all our event volunteers who helped make this Open House such a success (see In the Spotlight post below). We heard how much prospective families valued this opportunity to speak with current families, while our volunteers enjoyed the unique opportunity to experience the bustling energy of the school.
Upcoming Events
Next PA Meeting. A reminder to please mark your calendars for our November 15 PA meeting, where AP Andrew Nasser will moderate a panel of outside professionals discussing how parents and students may address some of their concerns this year. This meeting will be held in-person with a remote option. More details to follow in next Sunday’s e-newsletter! We thank the dedicated parents, staff and students who helped test out our new A/V technology to improve the hybrid meeting experience.

It was so wonderful to see the Bronx Science community come together this week at the Open House. Thanks to the administrators and students for showcasing the best the school has to offer, and thanks to the parent volunteers who helped make the event as informative as possible to prospective families. We look forward to seeing you at the next PA meeting on November 15.
Christine Kattan, Jayesh Patel and Elizabeth Polkovitz
PA Presidents