September 18, 2022
Dear Fellow Bronx Science Parents & Guardians,
With the first full week of school completed, we hope new students are finding their way around school while older students are reconnecting with their classmates.
Around this time, questions are sure to arise. Incoming students and their families may wonder what Bronx Science has to offer and how to discover these opportunities. Older students and their families may be turning their attention to the college application process. Wherever your student is in their Bronx Science journey, you no doubt want to support them, and our first PA meeting of the year is likely to offer valuable information and insights.
Please join us on Tuesday, September 20th at 7:00pm at school for an in-person* panel discussion moderated by Assistant Principal Andrew Nasser. The panel will consist of BxSci parents and students and who will address your questions. We encourage parents to submit their questions in advance of the meeting here. Note a remote option (Zoom link here, YouTube live stream here) will be offered for those unable to join in person.
In addition to the panel discussion, we will conduct the following PA business:
- Approve the 2022-23 PA budget and the June 2022 PA meeting minutes. Minutes can be found here.
- Introduce and elect our Nominating Committee for our October election. Please see the post below for open positions for incoming and freshman parents on the PA Executive Board and School Leadership Team (SLT)! Nominations are being accepted at*Please note, in accordance with DOE policy, all attendees must be vaccinated (at least one dose) and be prepared to provide proof of vaccination status. Please see “School Visitor Policy” for acceptable proofs of vaccination.
We would also like to thank our parent volunteers, listed below, who helped organize a reception following the New Parent Orientation on September 14th. We truly appreciate and rely on the enthusiastic involvement of our parent community to make events like this a success!
For more opportunities to help our school, please see the Volunteer post below.
We hope to see many of you in person this Tuesday for what is sure to be an informative PA meeting and look forward to receiving nominations for the open positions on both the PA Executive Board and the SLT. Please reach out with any questions.
Christine Kattan, Jayesh Patel and Elizabeth Polkovitz
PA Presidents