Welcome to a new school year! We hope that the transition from summer to the first week of the ’22-’23 school year has been as smooth as possible. As we move into the school year, our communication will shift from periodic summer updates to weekly communication highlighting Parents’ Association (PA) news and upcoming events (more on this below). We’re excited to welcome you and connect with you over the course of the year.
Before we proceed, we’d like to congratulate Rebecca Barreras on her new role as Bronx Science’s Parent Coordinator. As a former Bronx Science parent and PA President, Rebecca is no stranger to our community. We’re thrilled to work with her in her new role. Welcome Rebecca!
There are a number of ways to stay informed about key items and events within the Bronx Science PA community. As your PA Presidents, we will update you via this weekly Sunday e-newsletter. We invite you to visit the PA website where you can find a copy of our e-newsletter, along with additional PA information. You can also join the Bronx Science PA Facebook page to access knowledge and advice from our parent community. Finally, we urge you to become familiar with the school website which is your best source of information about the school.
As parent or guardian of a Bronx Science student, you are automatically a voting member of the PA. The success of the PA depends upon the enthusiastic engagement of our Bronx Science families, so we invite you to get involved. Run for the PA Executive Board or School Leadership Team (SLT)! Sign up to volunteer on one of our many committees! Attend our monthly meetings. The stronger the participation from our community, the more effectively the PA can serve you and your children.
Please see the Election and Volunteer posts below for some of the PA’s most immediate needs.
The PA is already active and has several events this month. On September 6, the PA held a welcome breakfast for our hard-working teachers and school staff. It is one of the many ways our PA (all of us!) supports our school.
Reminder! Mark your calendars for the following upcoming events this month:
Wednesday, September 14: The PA is sponsoring a reception following the New Parent Orientation(6PM) to be held at the school. This is an opportunity for incoming and freshman parents to grab a bite, mingle, and buy some Bronx Science apparel!
To our 10th, 11th and 12th grade parents, we are in need of volunteers to assist with this event. This is a great opportunity to get involved! If you are able to help, please sign up here.
Please note, in accordance with DOE policy, all attendees and volunteers must be vaccinated (at least one dose) and be prepared to provide proof of vaccination status. Please see “School Visitor Policy” for acceptable proofs of vaccination.
Saturday, September 17: We welcome all Bronx Science families to a back-to-school outdoor social at Ellington in the Park (lower level); W. 105th St in Riverside Park, Manhattan from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.
Tuesday, September 20: Our first PA meeting will be held in person at Bronx Science at 7:00 PM. After two years of predominantly virtual meetings, we are thrilled to be able to meet in person more often. This is an opportunity for parents to meet the administration, connect with other parents and help strengthen our Bronx Science community. We hope you can join us in person! For parents unable to join in person, this is a hybrid meeting. We will provide links to participate remotely in next week’s e-newsletter. Please see the post below for a full list of 2022-23 PA meeting dates.
We are excited for the upcoming school year and look forward to connecting with you in the weeks and months to come. Our PA depends upon the engagement of our families to meet the needs of the Bronx Science community, so please participate as you are able. Reach out with any comments or questions, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Christine Kattan, Jayesh Patel and Elizabeth Polkovitz
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