We hope you are enjoying the last days of summer and are excited for the upcoming school year. We are ready and eager to connect with you when school officially kicks off next week! In the meantime, we’d like to share a few Parents’ Association (PA) summer highlights and provide a glimpse of what’s to come.
This summer, our community came together in several ways. In July, PA Executive Board and School Leadership Team (SLT) members gathered for an outdoor social to welcome new members and to acknowledge outgoing members. Thank you to Bronx Science parent Anuradha Kevalia for hosting this event!
In August, new families connected at the Queens Night Market, and some families have also started arranging neighborhood gatherings. We appreciate and thank our new parents who volunteered to lead these local meetups!
There are more chances to connect soon, so mark your calendars! We are excited to continue a Bronx Science tradition and welcome all Bronx Science families to a back-to-school outdoor social atEllington in the Park on Saturday, Sept 17. More details to follow.
As a parent or guardian of a Bronx Science student, you are also a voting member of the PA, which depends upon the enthusiastic engagement of our Bronx Science families. We welcome you to join us at our monthly PA meetings, PA events and encourage you to stay involved.
There are numerous ways to participate! We are currently looking for volunteers willing to serve on several committees, including a new Bengali Translation Team. Please see the Volunteer post below for more information on our committees with immediate needs.
To our incoming and freshman parents, there will be an opportunity for you to join our PA Executive Board and the School Leadership Team (SLT). We will be seeking nominations soon, with elections to be held during our October PA meeting. More information to come in next Sunday’s e-newsletter.
Additional Upcoming Save the Dates
Wednesday, September 14: The PA invites all new parents to a reception after the New Parent Orientation. The orientation begins at 6 PM in the auditorium, with the reception immediately following in the gymnasium. This is an opportunity for new parents to grab a bite, mingle, and buy some Bronx Science apparel!
Tuesday, September 20: To all our Bronx Science parents, please mark your calendars for the first general PA meeting, which will be held in person at Bronx Science. Be on the lookout for more meeting details and a full PA meeting calendar in next Sunday’s e-newsletter.
We wish all our families and their students a smooth start next week, and we look forward to connecting with you during our upcoming September events.
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
Christine Kattan, Jayesh Patel & Elizabeth Polkovitz
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Join us virtually for our first official general PA meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 23, 7:00 p.m. Login information will be provided in an upcoming eblast. Parents will have the…