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Go for the Green and Gold Auction
Out of consideration for our Bronx Science Community, and for our generous auction item donors, we have postponed the Go for the Green & Gold Gala event as well as our Online Auction until…
Open House
We invite all parents and guardians to come and share their experience with middle school families who are going through the high school admissions process. We need many volunteers for…

In the Spotlight!
The PA would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to this incredible group of parent and guardian volunteers who made our in-person December PA holiday gathering possible. If anyone jumped…

Thanks for Your Donations (And Please Keep on Giving!)
Thank you to the more than 500 BxSci families who have already made a donation to the PA this school year. Your generosity is what makes many of the school’s…

Special Offer From One of Our Sponsors
From time to time, companies that sponsor our PA give us just a little bit extra. And when they do that, we want to make sure you know about it….

Buy BxSci Merchandise at Winter College Night
All sophomore and junior parents and students should plan to attend Winter College Night on Thursday, February 8, starting at 7pm. Admissions directors from Duke, NYU, Swarthmore, and University of…