Dear Bronx Science Families, We hope this finds everyone in our Bronx Science community safe and well. Happy Mother’s Day! Spring PA Programming: April PresentationThe presentation slides from our first…
The Parents’ Association pays for the annual subscription to Turnitin.com, a web-based platform used by teachers to encourage originality in all major writing assignments. Turnitin’s massive database contains more than…
Check out this review of Joan Didion’s recently published anthology of essays Let Me Tell You What I Mean by staff reporter Edie Fine.https://thesciencesurvey.com/arts-entertainment/2021/05/02/let-me-tell-you-what-i-think-she-means-a-review-of-let-me-tell-you-what-i-mean-by-joan-didion/
Your donations are hard at work! Have you seen the amazing animal room on the third floor of the school? This month, PA donations helped Bronx Science pay for supplies…
We’ve only heard from one of you so far, and we could really use some more volunteers for this event. The DOE is doing something new this year and we…
The PA Executive Board consists of the following positions: If you, or a parent/guardian you know, have an interest in running for one of these positions or would like more…