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Please Review: Executive Board Recommends PA ByLaw Changes; Vote is Jan. 21
At January’s PA meeting, we will vote on some recommended changes to our PA ByLaws. To review the changes recommended by the Executive Board, please visit the “About Us” section…

Vallo Transportation Promotes Anti Bullying Campaign
Our friends at Vallo were recently up at Bronx Science talking with students about their anti-bullying campaign, “No Bullying Zone”. The campaign, which is in it’s 4th year, directs people…

Welcome Message from our Co-Presidents – December 6th, 2015
December 13th, 2015 中文版 Dear Bronx Science Families, One of the unique aspects setting Bronx Science apart from other schools across the country is the Research Program offered to students,…

Wellness Walks!
UPPER WEST SIDE LOCATION Fresh air, exercise, community! Join BxSci Family Healing Ambassador Alison Gardy on the following Sundays for a walk in Riverside Park. All family members are welcome to join!…

Back by popular demand! The PA is proud to announce the return of BxSci Comedy Night on Thursday, March 3rd at 7:00pm. For those of you who were there with us for last year’s…

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, June 28: Last Day of 2015-2016 School Year Wednesday, August 31: Incoming Freshmen Parent Orientation Thursday, September 8: First Day of 2016-2017 School Year