Dear Fellow Parents & Guardians:
Tomorrow is a day off from school, one set aside to honor one of the most important figures in U.S. history. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., would have turned 93 yesterday, had he lived. Since his assassination more than six decades ago, his legacy and impact have only grown, and one can only imagine the America we might be living in, had his voice not been so prematurely silenced. King’s words, as he strove to bring about a Civil Rights revolution that today remains a work in progress, were remarkably prescient and inspirationally challenging; they remain as or more relevant today than ever. We highlight two quotes particularly germane to our moment in history and for a school community with incredibly gifted, ambitious students capable of affecting the course of history. “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability,” King said, “but comes through continuous struggle.” And then: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'”

The temperature may have been down, but attendance was creeping back up … by all accounts, it was a markedly better week at Bronx Science. Thank you again to our incredible staff, our amazing teachers and, of course, our kids for persevering through this winter of our discontent. If your students remain out, or you are battling illness, we wish all a speedy recovery. And if/when you are healthy and you haven’t done so already, please get your boost (see below).
We’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge particularly the responsiveness of the School’s Director of Safety and Security, Vana Loukassis, and the entire School Safety Committee. We join its monthly meetings and it’s heartening to see what thoughtful concern goes into setting and executing protocols.
On the subject of recovery, please consider a contribution to the Mayor’s Fund to assist the families impacted by last week’s tragic fire in the Bronx (see below). These are our neighbors and they need our help.
Despite the slings and arrows we have faced over the last month, the work of the PA goes on.
First, something to look forward to! BxSci Comedy Night returns March 3rd (see below). Please mark your calendars and look for further details in the coming weeks.
Last, please join us for our next virtual PA meeting this Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 7:00pm. The topic will be What You Should Know About College Admissions. Adam Ingersoll of Compass Education will present the latest information about college admissions in a rapidly changing environment. Adam is a good friend of Bronx Science. Parents with students at any stage of the college-application process will find his presentation both fascinating and invaluable.

January 19, 2022 @7:00pm |
You can join the Wednesday meeting via Zoom using this link. Or, via YouTube here.December meeting minutes can be viewed here. |
Jerome Kramer & Cliff Stanton
PA Co-Presidents,
P.S. Congratulations to the 10 Bronx Science senior research students who were named Regeneron Science Talent Search 2022 Scholars: Aliya Fisher, Richard Gu, Samuel Iskhakov, Enrique Labre, Kathryn Le, Genevieve Morange, Samuel Rossberg, Arnav Shah, Eiki Shido, and Jay Vogel, all Class of 2022.