Dear Fellow Parents & Guardians,
Please fill out this brief Self-Care Survey for BxSci Parents/Guardians by Monday, October 25. The survey is in English and Chinese.
Focused on our children’s well-being, we often forget to care for ourselves. Yet we cannot take care of our children unless we take care of ourselves.
In an effort to make schools centers of community self-care and healing, the NYCDOE created a volunteer position called Family Healing Ambassador in schools in zip codes hardest hit by Covid-19. As your Family Healing Ambassador, I hope you’ll complete this brief survey by no later than Monday, October 25.
The survey will indicate which areas of self-care are most important to you. We can then create workshops focused on your preferences. As Assistant Principal Andrew Nasser says, “Self-care isn’t selfish!”
专注于孩子的幸福,我们常常忘记了关心自己。然而,除非我们照顾好自己,否则我们不能照顾孩子。为了使学校成为社区自我护理和治疗的中心, 纽约市教育局在受 Covid – 19 打击最严重地区的学校设立了一个名为家庭治疗大使的志愿者职位。作为您的家庭疗愈大使,我希望您能在 10 月 25 日(星期一)之前完成这个简短的调查。这项调查将指出哪些自我保健领域对您最重要。然后我们可以根据您的喜好创建工作坊。正如校长助理 Andrew Nasser 所说:“自我护理并非自私!”
All good wishes,
Alison Gardy (11th grade parent 年级家长)
Jerome Kramer and Cliff Stanton
PA Co-Presidents