Dear Parents & Guardians:
Greetings from mid-break! We hope you’re all having wonderful summers. While it’s relatively quiet for the Parents’ Association, noteworthy things continue to take place at Bronx Science. We want to update you on two in particular:
We’re happy to report that all of the community’s efforts on behalf of the cafeteria renovation yielded an excellent result: The full amount necessary for completion of the project was included in the city budget that was approved earlier this month. While it remains unclear when and how quickly the renovations will take place, they will definitely happen. We want to extend special thanks to Councilmembers Eric Dinowitz ’03 and Ben Kallos ’98 for their extensive advocacy efforts on our behalf, and to Speaker Corey Johnson and his staff for their diligence in shepherding this item through the arcane budget process. Last but not least, we want to thank our incredible executive board and all of our parents and guardians who wrote or called their elected officials in support of this project. It demonstrates the true power of our collective activism. Way to go, Wolverines!

We can also report on a tremendously exciting new Alumni Foundation capital project that will benefit untold numbers of future BxSci students, along with students at a wide range of partner schools: The Stanley Manne Science Institute. The PA was honored to be invited to participate in the groundbreaking ceremonies for the Institute along with luminaries such as Regeneron runner-up Noah Getz ’21, Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter, Mayor Bill de Blasioand other elected officials.

The PA wishes to thank the Bronx Science Alumni Foundation, in particular VP Eleanor Coufos, for spearheading this effort; and, of course, Stanley Manne ’52 for his incredible generosity. His donation will be the largest single donation to a public school in the nation.

Meanwhile, Alumni Foundation programs and the Bronx Science Summer School offerings hum along, as the administration continues to prepare for what we fully expect will be a fantastic and welcome return to 205th Street in September.
Stay happy and healthy Bronx Science!
Jerome Kramer and Cliff Stanton
PA Co-Presidents, president@bxsciencepa.org