Dear Parents & Guardians:
Happy Father’s Day! And Happy Juneteenth!
For those of you who missed our final PA meeting of the year, which featured a diverse panel of recent graduates, you can view it in entirety here.
And for those seeking the most current information on busing options, click here.
Before we say goodbye for the summer, we want to express our deepest gratitude to you, the parents of the Bronx High School of Science Parents’ Association for your incredible support, your undiminished spirit, and your exemplary fortitude. Nothing more needs to be said about the challenges we faced this school year. But one year ago, when we stepped into our roles as your PA Co-Presidents, we pledged that we would get through this as one school community. And we did exactly that!
It will be our honor and privilege to return next year with an amazing executive board to continue the important work of the PA. We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2025 and fulfilling our deepest wish: to get to meet as many of you as possible… IN PERSON!
Until then, let’s have the best summer of our lives!

But for this last day of spring, please enjoy a poignant piece written by senior Zoya Garg as an ode to her mother and two special videos:

A Wolverine TV production – SENIOR DE-STRESS – showcasing the creative and entertaining ways our kids got through the year together, apart.

PA retrospective – CAN YOU FEEL IT?! – showcasing the bright future that awaits us in September.

From the Heart to Higher Education, NYT 6/18/21 by Bronx Science senior Zoya Garg:

Wolverines forever,
Jerome Kramer and Cliff Stanton
PA Co-Presidents,