Dear Parents & Guardians:

We are on the cusp of sending off another senior class into the great wide open. But this isn’t just any senior class. This is the Class of ’21, and as a cohort, they have earned a very special place in our collective heart and soul. They endured a year and a half punctuated by isolation and frustration, yet they persevered with courage, determination and grace. Many of the same things can be said for grades 9 through 11, with the bravery of this past September’s freshman class particularly noted. But our seniors will go down as the only graduating class that, for so many, barely stepped foot in the school building for their final year at Science. And yet their achievements were extraordinary. So, seniors and your very proud families, we, as a PA, salute you!

Here is a helpful link for our senior families. The Seniors ’21 toolkit contains images for both social media and print to help make your senior’s swan song special. Thank you to senior parent Sau Wai Chiu for the wonderful designs.

Our final PA meeting of the year will be held this Tuesday, June 15th at 7:00pm. The topic – a perennial favorite – will be College Life and will feature a returning graduates panel moderated by Assistant Principal Andrew Nasser. This year’s panel will include graduates with a wide array of college experiences (including none at all; think gap year). You won’t want to miss it!
Join by Zoom here. Or Youtube here.
The minutes for our May meeting can be viewed here.

Wolverines forever,
Jerome Kramer and Cliff Stanton
PA Co-Presidents,