Dear Parents & Guardians:

Question: How much did our Virtual Gala and Auction raise for the school?
Answer: Over $69,000!!!
Put it in the books!!!
This would be a terrific number for an in-person event. For a virtual one, it’s nothing short of miraculous. Once again, we thank Tracy Ballas and the entire Auction Committee (see below) for their tireless work in putting together an evening of fun and fortune for Bronx Science. The $69,000 includes over $19,000 in funds earmarked for our cafeteria renovation (see below for details). For those of you who gave, we thank you for your generosity. For those who missed the Gala but would still like to make a contribution, we have left the link open through tonight. Please consider a donation now here.
For those of you interested in busing options for next year, we’re happy to report that the heroic Transportation Information Committee (see below) has put all the data it collected in one place on the PA website here for easy reference. Of course it’s still up to each family to determine the best option for them and their student – while considering that we still don’t know what school will look like in September. Study hard and good luck!

As we move fearlessly into June, we want to provide a helpful link for our senior families. The Seniors ’21 toolkit contains images for both social media and print to help make your senior’s swan song special. Thank you to senior parent Sau Wai Chiu for the wonderful designs.

Spring is now in full swing and it’s great to see many of our kids resuming a more normal social calendar. But for some, the rebound may be more difficult. The school is making every effort to assist Bronx Science families in finding help for struggling students before we adjourn for the summer. We encourage you to seek help if you need it. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your student’s guidance counselor. Or you can contact Assistant Principal Andrew Nasser at, or our school social worker Danielle Heckman at If you haven’t availed yourself of it, please check out the Guiding Light, a Bronx Science Guidance Department wellness resource. Next…
The Bronx High School of Science Alumni Foundation, Inc. is pleased to announce a new, unique summer program – the Entrepreneurship Lab! See details below. |

Save the date: our final PA meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, June 15th at 7:00pm. The topic will be College Life and will feature a returning graduates panel moderated by Assistant Principal Andrew Nasser.

Finally, this will be our last e-newsletter of the month as we observe Memorial Day next weekend. As Bronx Science and our nation honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country, we also want to encourage our families to take a few moments to think about our own loss and sacrifice over the last year. The pandemic has often been likened to a war … a war that we all fought in both intensely private and purposefully public ways. It was an honor to represent you during some of our darkest hours; a privilege to work with you during our time of healing; and now, with a healthy dose of humility and grace, we look forward to a season of celebration, joy and pride.
Wolverines forever,
Jerome Kramer and Cliff Stanton
PA Co-Presidents,