Dear Parents & Guardians:
We’re in the home stretch!
As we go to press, right before the end of the new opt-in deadline, nearly 90 students opted into blended learning, putting our final headcount for the remainder of the school year close to 300. With an eye toward next year, parent volunteers conducted exhaustive research into alternative busing options for next year. We are pleased to report their findings in the bus service update below.
On the athletics front, many Bronx Science students signed up for and started reporting for conditioning for school teams. Go Wolverines! Also on the sporting side, congratulations to Dan Kruger, winner of our PA NCAA pool.

Our next PA meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 14th. At this meeting we will be closing nominations for Executive Board and School Leadership Team positions in advance of our May election. We encourage all parents who are interested to reach out to our nominations committee (see below). You can view the minutes to our March 15th meeting here.
Programming notes: a) we originally planned on dedicating this meeting to a presentation on paying for college, however both a scheduling conflict and a sense of urgency created by current events intervened. For those who were looking forward to the paying for college presentation, Kalman Chany of Campus Consultants provided the following link to an article entitled Financial Aid 101. b) Given the anxiety induced by recent events in our city and across the country, we are once again partnering with Assistant Principal Andrew Nasser along with former School Counselor Vivien Ngai, to hold a forum on Navigating Family Conversations Centered on Current Events. The focus will be on the reprehensible rise in hate crimes directed at Asians. We encourage our entire parent body to participate. A unified effort is exactly what communities like ours need – please help provide one.
Finally, at the excellent suggestion of parent Elizabeth Sak, we would like to encourage all parents to check out the Facebook group Helping NYC Get Vaccinated. New York State just opened vaccination eligibility to all New Yorkers 16 years and older. The sooner we all get vaccinated, the sooner things will truly improve.
Stay safe Bronx Science,
Jerome Kramer and Cliff Stanton
PA Co-Presidents,