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Virtual District Town Hall – January 18, 2024
Superintendent Fia Davis cordially invites you to our Virtual January Town Hall. Parents, students, and staff are all welcome. This is a change of date. Translation will be available in…

Welcome Message from our Co-Presidents – June 18th, 2017
June 25th, 2017 Hello Bronx Science Parents: With only one and a half more days of actual school, it’s time for us to say goodbye! It has been a true…

NYC School Survey – Deadline Extended to April 19!
Families can take the annual school survey online at this link in their preferred language. The new deadline to submit is April 19. The grade that submits the highest number of surveys will…

Auction – Less Than Two Weeks Away!
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Thanks to the Many Volunteers at the Incoming Parents’ Breakfast
Hundreds of proud parents convened in the Bronx Science cafeteria on the morning of June 7 for the Incoming Parents’ Breakfast and Meet-and-Greet, hosted by the PA. As next year’s…

2015 Donation Tax Receipts and Premiums
Your PA volunteers have been working on getting out all tax receipts for donations given to the PA in the 2015 calendar year. We hope to be sending these letters…