Dear Parents & Guardians:
A Happy Easter to all in our community who celebrate it!
Our students head back to classes tomorrow with another deadline looming. The final day to opt in to blended learning is this Wednesday, April 7th. If you want to choose blended learning for your child, you can do so by clicking on this link.
While the school’s March 22nd email should have answered most questions, we provided a means by which parents could submit questions/concerns to the school administration. We hope to have those answers to you before the April 7th deadline.

Please mark your calendars. Our next PA meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 14th. At this meeting we will also be closing nominations for Executive Board and School Leadership Team positions in advance of our May election. We encourage all parents who are interested to reach out to our nominations committee (see below).
Stay safe Bronx Science,
Jerome Kramer and Cliff Stanton
PA Co-Presidents, president@bxsciencepa.org