Based on guidance from the CDC: We strongly encourage all of our families to get vaccinated as soon as it becomes available to you. ALL New Yorkers ages 16 and up…
In July, Bronx Science alumni and parents from the PA Educational Enrichment Committee provided an incredible summer learning opportunity for nearly 800 of our students. Bronx Science U offered a…
The PA is actively recruiting for the 2022-23 school year. If you have a background in event planning, or just enjoy hosting a party, we need you! Planning for events…
Thank you to our Phone-a-thon Volunteers, who made almost 2,000 phone calls over the two nights! Giulia Alimonti Gordon Bakoulis Jack Beck Sayma Begum Lyndie Callan Hong Cao Didi Charney…
OUR PA newsletter was written before the Mayor’s Saturday morning announcement regarding remote learning continuing for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. Updates from the school are expected; thank…