Desperately Seeking Donations:Items, Services, Unique Experiences, and More
Donations have started to roll in, but we have a long way to go beforereaching the finish line! The more fantastic things we have for parents,friends, extended families, and supporters to peruse and bid on,the more money we will raise for our amazing students.What can you procure and donate to help make our Gala + Auction a success?

Our Virtual Gala committee has ideas to help youthink outside of the box!
Just think: If every Bronx Science family brings in ONE donation,we’ll have over 3,000 items available for bidding! We’ve put togethersome categories to get you thinking about who you may know to askfor items, gift cards, services, or unique experiences:
* Media, fashion, film, and theater people
* Famous chefs and wine experts
* Musicians, artists, actors, poets, authors, magicians
* Restaurant, food & gourmet or wine shop owners
* Athletes or sports franchise folks
* Friends with vacation homes or boutique hotels
* College advisors and tutors
* Personal trainers or health club, golf course, and tennis club contacts
* Artists, crafters, jewelry designers
* Purveyors of luxury goods such as designer handbags and clothing
If you want to brainstorm exactly what to ask for in your circles,please email: auctiondonations@bxsciencepa.org.
Click here to donate online or use our printable donation form.
Our Virtual Gala committee STILL needs your helpprocuring event sponsors!
Find out more about the Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels of sponsorship here:
Sponsorship Letter & Sponsor Registration
We are pleased to welcome the following sponsors of Gala + Auction 2021: