Today, November 15th is the last day of the 2020-21 school year to opt-in to blended learning. Thank you to all the parents, who at our urging, sent letters to DOE officials, elected officials and community representatives objecting to the DOE’s change in policy eliminating future opt-in windows. See the letter here: DOE Letter Template
The Learning Preference form that will allow you to choose blended if you are currently remote can be found HERE. As always, you may choose remote at any time.
Monday, November 16th, PA meeting at 7:00pm. The topic will be Teen Challenges. This is an important topic in any year. This year, however, it’s critical. We will hear from a panel of experts, including PA Health & Wellness Committee members Ismini Georgiades, Ph.D. and Bozhena Vistman, LMHC on topics such as managing stress, healthy sleep, isolation, social media, and substance abuse. The panel will be moderated by Assistant Principal Andrew Nasser.
Please view the minutes from our October 20th PA meeting here.
Join Zoom Meeting HERE. YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/y7qyiklPY3k
Thursday, November 26th, no school in observance of Thanksgiving Day.