We want to extend a special thanks for their help with the election to Executive Board members Nicole Kaplan and Jayesh Patel, parent volunteers Lidija Markes and Elizabeth Polkowitz, and, of course, our ever helpful Parent Coordinator, Cindy Golan. We couldn’t have done it without you. And the results are now official!
We are therefore delighted to be able to welcome our new co-recording secretary, Susan Anderson, and our three new members-at-large, Christine Kattan, Yanling Lei and Li Ping Xu. Once again, we want to thank all of the excellent parent candidates who volunteered to serve the PA. We hope to see you all involved in the years to come.
Our next PA meeting will be held on Monday, November 16th at 7:00 p.m. The topic will be Teen Challenges. This is an important topic in any year. This year, however, it’s critical. We will hear from a panel of experts on topics such as managing stress, healthy sleep, social media, and substance abuse. The panel will be moderated by Assistant Principal Andrew Nasser.