If you have a question or a concern about your Vallo Bus contract, please contact Vallo directly.
If you have a question or a concern about your Vallo Bus contract, please contact Vallo directly.
For those of you who missed our December PA meeting, you can find the draft minutes HERE to see what was discussed. We will vote to approve these minutes at…
The PA has contracted with a DOE approved vendor to provide simultaneous translation for the PA meetings. Unfortunately, the company could not provide translators for September’s meeting. They will provide…
Dear Bronx Science Families, We hope everyone enjoyed the shorter school week, and reminder, school is closed this coming Wednesday October 9th. We have many parents volunteering at NYC Department of…
Did you miss the October PA meeting? Click here to read the minutes. Did you miss the guidance department presentation by our new SAPIS counselor, Barbara Rivera-Berger on teens and vaping? Click here to…
Dear Bronx Science parents, Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in our community! We hope you are celebrating (and being celebrated!) today. The coming weeks will be filled with…
Tech Co-Manager: We are seeking one additional volunteer to join our current manager, Bryan Liff. This team is responsible for operating Zooms for PA meetings, helping maintain Google Workspace for…