If you know of resources you think would be useful to other families, please email them to us here with the subject line “resources” and we will try to include them in future eblasts.
Through federal and state coronavirus relief efforts, every NYC public school family will receive $420 per child for food benefits. Read more about this support here and here.
The College Office at Bronx High School of Science recommended the admissions consortium ROAM (Regional Officers of Admissions, Metro NYC). Check them out for virtual college admissions seminars.
Alan Sheptin from Sheptin Tutoring Group is offering free SAT and ACT diagnostics this month and in the summer for rising juniors and seniors only. They are offering the opportunity to take one each of an SAT and ACT, get scores and analysis of results, and a mini-conference regarding next steps. Below are the June dates. Contact Alan Sheptin here to register.
SAT: Sunday June 28 from 10 AM – 1:15 PM
ACT: Saturday June 13 from 10 AM – 1:15 PM
Sunday June 14 from 10 AM – 1:15 PM
Saturday June 27 from 10 AM – 1:15 PM
Adam Ingersoll from Compass Education Group spoke at our December PA meeting on What You Should Know About College Admissions. Adam provided copies of The Compass Guide to College Admission Testing at the meeting. Since then, the landscape of college admissions and testing has changed. Here is a link to the Resource Center at Compass Education Group and their past and upcoming webinars about admission testing during COVID-19.
Coursera offers online courses for both students and parents. Many courses are free, including this popular one on The Science of Well-Being.
Three free meals a day are available for all New Yorkers at 400 Meal Hubs throughout the city.
The United Federation of Teachers has a free mental health hotline aThe United Federation of Teachers has free family resources and available to all New York City public school students and their families.
Khan Academy has online classes, sample daily schedules, and links to additional online learning resources.