Bronx High School of Science Parents' Assocation

News from our Co-Presidents: April 12, 2020

OUR PA newsletter was written before the Mayor’s Saturday morning announcement regarding remote learning continuing for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. Updates from the school are expected; thank you for your patience.

April 12, 2020

Dear Bronx Science Families, 

For many in our community, this week means celebrating Passover and Easter. We hope that you have been able to find ways to connect during this challenging time.  

You can catch some excellent, short videos here – watch our students’ Wolverine TV episodes, which are being produced daily now, instead of weekly, during school building closure. Grab your student and check out Wolverine TV together. 

Really missing the school building? Take a three-minute virtual visit to school here. Some of our students created our Bronx Science school building on Minecraft! 

Parents, let’s take it one day at a time, and we will get through this
Bronx Science! 

Stay safe everyone! 

Rebecca Barreras and Lisa Brody
PA Co-Presidents,