The Jerome Park Reservoir sits across the street from Bronx Science. If your child is involved in cross country or track, most likely he or she has joined the teams in running around the reservoir for practice. For any student spending time after school in Harris Field, the reservoir provides a comforting, natural view. Recently, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced a plan to permanently drain the north basin of the Reservoir.
The plan to drain the Reservoir is opposed by our local elected officials. A coalition of activists and community organizations has been conducting outreach to all the schools bordering the Reservoir to notify them of the potential for negative environmental and health consequences if the DEP plan is put into affect. Please see this link to a recent press clipping regarding this story: https://www.thisisthebronx.info/locals-launch-fillthereservoir-campaign-in-protest-of-dep-plan/
At our January meeting, the PA executive board unanimously decided to send letters expressing our concern to the NYC Department of Environmental Protection and to the NYS Historic Preservation Office.
If you are concerned about the negative impact of draining the Jerome Park Reservoir, please take a look at this online petition: https://www.jeromeparkfans.com/. For more information, or to become involved in the effort to save the Jerome Park Reservoir, please contact Cliff Stanton.